
Configuring Podcast Reviews per Device

GetPodReviews allows you to configure what podcast networks are shown on what device and screensize. By default - we will show all networks across all devices

Why would you want to change this? It's purely a prefenece but maybe you don't want to show an Apple Podcast link to someone on an Android device - or maybe you don't want to show a PodcastAddict link (a popular Android app) to someone on an Apple device, or you may simply leave the defaults and show all networks to all visitors

Click "Settings" Tab

Click the 'Settings' tab for the podcast you'd like to manage

Choose Your Options

A checked box means that network will show for that device - unchecking will not show that network for the device

Podchaser / PodcastAddict can be checked or unchecked at any time but will not show unless you have configured their links - for more information see the support articles for Configuring Podchaser and Configuring PodcastAddict

Save your changes

Once you've chosen the options - make sure to hit the "Save Changes" button to save your new settings.

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